C.L.E.A.T President Todd Harrison and Executive Director Charley Wilkinson called a meeting of the C.L.E.A.T Board of Directors (affiliated local association presidents or their designees) on Thursday, June 18, 2020. The meeting was held via Zoom at 10am. The meeting was a way for C.L.E.A.T to interact with affiliated local association leaders in trying times in order to keep them up to date on what they are doing, and to also obtain feedback from each local association on today’s issues. Also, because of the incredibly fast moving changes in current affairs, the C.L.E.A.T. executive director and their legislative lobby team will be holding an early legislative workshop to begin work for the next legislative session. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 29th in Austin, Texas. C.L.E.A.T. has invited TSPA President Troy Mondine, or a designee of the TSPA Executive Board of Directors, to attend the meeting. Communication has already been sent by Mondine that TSPA will be represented at the meeting.
On June 18th at 10 am, all of the C.L.E.A.T local affiliated presidents were asked to join a zoom call to hear from President, Todd Harrison and Executive Director, Charley Wilkison. See below for a summary of the information that was shared with local leadership:
1. Reminder that C.L.E.A.T is hosting a legislative workshop on July 29th at the ATT Conference Center in Austin from 8am-3pm. They encourage our local presidents to attend as they continue to strategize for the upcoming legislative session. State Representative James White will be the keynote speaker.
2. Given the current situation, C.L.E.A.T has adjusted its outlook for next session and realizes that we must fight for our core values and leave everything else at the door. This is not a time for enhancing criminal penalties or addressing peripheral issues such as bail, task forces, or asset forfeiture, but it is instead a time to ensure we maintain all benefits currently held by Texas peace officers. C.L.E.A.T. will be heavily focused on the following items this session:
1. Collective Bargaining / Meet and Confer
2. Civil Service (CH 143) and maintaining professional standards
3. Retirement / Pensions
4. Qualified Immunity