To the members of TSPA who are employed by the UTSW PD,
Members of the TSPA Executive Board were approached concerning the many issues within the UTSW Police Department. As a result, an emergency meeting was called according to the association bylaws. A formal document was prepared and presented to the Executive Board of Directors advising them of our members complaints and concerns. During the meeting, the executive board was briefed and it was decided that a member of the Executive Board would launch a job satisfaction survey to further understand the problems within the UTSW Police Department. The survey was launched on May 26, 2020 and concluded July 6, 2020. Prior to the completion of the survey, members of the Executive Board contacted Chief Marcus Lewis to request a meeting. The meeting was approximately a two hours long meeting, which members of the Executive Board shared information with him. The board also offered him help in troubleshooting problems inside his department, which he gratefully accepted. Members of the Executive Board further explained to Chief Lewis that the TSPA Job Satisfaction Survey would be closed soon. He was also told that he would be given a complete copy of the survey. He was informed that the TSPA Executive Board would like to schedule a meeting with him to discuss the results of survey. On 07/06/2020, Chief Marcus Lewis was given a complete copy of the TSPA Job Satisfaction Survey by TSPA President Troy Mondine. TSPA Executive Board of Directors will now give Chief Lewis time to review the survey. He further explained that he would contact the board in the third week of this month to discuss further the results of the survey. In our conversation with the Chief Lewis, the contact was pleasant, and we are hopeful for a new and better UTSW Police Department. I will keep the membership posted on the events as they occur.
Troy Mondine
TSPA President